A study of thyroid profile abnormalities in vitiligo patients in tertiary care center of South India, in Telangana


  • Sushmalatha B. Department of DVL, Mamata Medical College, Khammam, Telangana, India




Thyroid, Thyroid profile, Vitiligo, Auto immune


Background: Several autoimmune conditions are associated with vitiligo. But thyroid is most common cause. We under took the study for the incidence of association of thyroid abnormalities involving in patients of vitiligo. The present study is conducted to know the incidence of thyroid profile abnormalities in various morphological forms of vitiligo.

Methods: The present study was conducted on 53 patients of clinically diagnosed cases of vitiligo in the outpatients department of DVL of Mamata General Hospital for a period of 1 year 2018 January to 2019 January. 53 patients of age sex matched patients with other dermatosis excluding vitiligo are randomly designed as controls. Investigations were carried out in all patients of vitiligo like routine, specific like thyroid profile (T3, T4, TSH profile).

Results: The presence study showing female to male ratio is 1:3:1 thyroid function abnormalities found in 33.96% of patients compared to 7.54% controls.

Conclusions: In present study has shown that autoimmune thyroid diseases both in the form of hypothyroid, hyper thyroidism are frequently associated with vitiligo patients.


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Author Biography

Sushmalatha B., Department of DVL, Mamata Medical College, Khammam, Telangana, India

Assistant Professor, Department of DVL

Mamata Medical College, Khammam

Telangana- 507001


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How to Cite

B., S. (2019). A study of thyroid profile abnormalities in vitiligo patients in tertiary care center of South India, in Telangana. International Journal of Research in Dermatology, 5(3), 611–614. https://doi.org/10.18203/issn.2455-4529.IntJResDermatol20192631



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