A study of vitiligo with other coexisting diseases in DVL department of a teaching hospital
Vitiligo, Coexisting diseases, LeukotrichiaAbstract
Background: Vitiligo is characterized by milky-white macules affecting the skin and mucous membranes. It occurs due to the progressive loss of functioning melanocytes from the affected areas. It may affect any age group and gender. Genetic, immunological, neural, and self-destructive mechanisms may be involved in its pathogenesis. Both autoimmune and non-autoimmune disorders have been reported to be associated with vitiligo.
Methods: This is a descriptive study conducted in the Department of DVL of a teaching hospital from August 2020 to November 2021. 50 vitiligo patients were enrolled in the study. Relevant data was recorded using the customized case proforma and analyzed.
Results: Majority of the patients belonged to the age group of 21-30 years (28%). Males (54%) outnumbered females. The mean duration of the disease was 51.6 months. The familial incidence of vitiligo was 18%. Majority of the cases were of vitiligo vulgaris type (50%). Koebnerization was seen in 20% and leukotrichia in 34% of the cases. 14% of cases had other coexisting cutaneous diseases. Urticaria (4%) was the most common followed by alopecia areata, acne, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. 44% of the study population had systemic comorbidities. Iron deficiency anemia was the most common seen in 20% of cases followed by hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and hypertension.
Conclusions: A detailed history, comprehensive cutaneous and systemic examination, relevant laboratory workup is mandatory in a newly diagnosed patient with vitiligo. A regular follow-up and psychiatric evaluation is also necessary to reduce the disease burden.
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