Comparison of seminar and lecture as teaching method and student perception on the seminar and lecture in medical education
Seminar, Teaching methods, LectureAbstract
Background: The current teaching methodology in medical education is mostly lecture. Many studies have mentioned that lectures alone are ineffective in bringing up student interaction and skills. Published literature reports that students are willing to accept innovative and interactive teaching methodologies. A study was conducted to compare the seminar vs. lectures in medical teaching and to describe perception of medical students about seminar and lecture.
Methods: For comparison between seminar and lecture 88 participants from third MBBS students were randomly assigned for the Seminar and lecture methods including cross over technique by splitting the topic of leprosy into two parts. We conducted pre and post-tests after each session for both groups with the same questionnaire with total score of 36 for 36 questions. For opinion study we used a simple closed ended questionnaire on perception of on the two teaching methods. Data was analysed using SPSS software for computation of mean differences in the score and chi square proportions appropriately.
Results: Least significant difference post hoc test indicates difference in the teaching methods. Mean score difference between pre and post-tests in both methods demonstrate that seminar is effective teaching method (p<0.05). Seminar evoked interest, provided more opportunities interact. In both methodologies schematic arrangement of the topic and improvement in communication skills was similar.
Conclusions: Seminar was effective than didactic lecture interest and active participation as well as improves the ability to understand. To impart effective learning a combination of different teaching methods have to be used.
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