Post biologic scenario in pemphigus patients at a tertiary care institution
Adjuvants, Follow-up, Pemphigus, RituximabAbstract
Background: Rituximab is increasingly used for the treatment of pemphigus. Data derived from single center studies following a uniform treatment protocol are limited. The effect of demography and disease type on treatment response is poorly characterized. Aim of this study was to assess the efficacy, adverse effects of rituximab, adjuvants and follow up in pemphigus patients.
Methods: Author undertook a retrospective review of records of 26 pemphigus patients (pemphigus vulgaris 25 and pemphigus foliaceus 1) who had received rituximab infusion. Oral prednisolone was administered in doses up to 0.5 mg/kg of body weight after infusion and tapered over the next 3-4 months according to the disease activity. However, other immunosuppressive agents such as cyclophosphamide and AZT were continued for one year after clinical remission was achieved.
Results: Complete remission was observed in 23 (88.5%) patients. The mean time to disease control and complete remission was 1.10 and 4.36 months, respectively. Three patients experienced relapse after a mean duration of 26 months. Infectious complications like candidiasis and furunculosis developed in two patients. Two patients had hypotension during infusion.
Conclusions: Rituximab is an effective agent in the treatment of pemphigus and also for a long duration of remission with a lower initial dose of oral prednisolone. Severe side effects were rare.
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