A study of 200 cases of pityriasis versicolor: the distribution of age, gender, blood group, lesion morphology, hemoglobin levels, cholesterol levels and diabetic status
Epidemiology, KOH test, Pityriasis versicolor, Diabetes, CholesterolAbstract
Background: Pityriasis versicolor is a Malassezia-associated opportunistic skin infection prevalent in tropical and sub-tropical regions like India. This study describes the distribution of age, gender, blood group, lesion morphology, hemoglobin levels, cholesterol levels and diabetic status in pityriasis versicolor subjects.
Methods: 200 subjects confirmed to have pityriasis versicolor by KOH mounts were assessed and the results tabulated.
Results: Subjects in the 2nd and 3rd decade of life were most commonly infected with cases also showing a female preponderance. Most subjects with pityriasis versicolor were found to be Rh positive. Achromic lesions were most common, and anaemia was common among the pityriasis versicolor positive subjects. Diabetes and hypercholesterolemia weren’t particularly common in subjects with pityriasis versicolor.
Conclusions: The study elucidates the behaviour of tinea versicolor in a clinical setting by describing its basic demographic data, clinical presentation, and association with some common co-morbidities relevant to an Indian clinical setting.
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