A study of pattern of non-venereal genital dermatoses in female patients at a tertiary care center


  • P. Sivayadevi Department of Dermato Venereoleprology, Government Medical College, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu
  • Heber Anandan Dr. Agarwal’s Healthcare Limited, Tamil Nadu




Nonvenereal dermatoses, Nonvenereal genital dermatoses


Background: Nonvenereal genital dermatoses are responsible for considerable concern for the patients as any genital lesion, or related-symptom is often misinterpreted as being sexually transmitted. To the physician, it may create confusion from venereal dermatoses and cause diagnostic challenge. The study is aimed to determine the clinical pattern and relative frequency of nonvenereal genital dermatoses in sexually active female patients.

Methods: The study was conducted as a prospective, observational study in sexually active female patients who presented with genital lesions, after excluding venereal diseases. A detailed history and dermatological examination along with skin biopsy in selected cases to aid in diagnosis was done, and the results were tabulated and analysed.

Results: This study included 100 female patients with nonvenereal genital lesions. A total of 23 genital dermatoses were noted. Most of the patients belonged to 25-40 years of age group. Infections and infestations were responsible for 39% of cases of which vulval candidiasis was the most common disorder. Other dermatoses noted include lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, lichen simplex chronicus, psoriasis, lymphangioma circumscriptum, epidermoid cyst, seborrheic keratosis, vulval intraepithelial neoplasia, vitiligo, angioedema of vulva and vestibular papillomatosis.

Conclusions: This study underscores the importance of considering non-venereal dermatoses in the differential diagnosis of genital lesions, thus avoiding the misbelief that all genital lesions are sexually transmitted.


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How to Cite

Sivayadevi, P., & Anandan, H. (2019). A study of pattern of non-venereal genital dermatoses in female patients at a tertiary care center. International Journal of Research in Dermatology, 5(1), 134–138. https://doi.org/10.18203/issn.2455-4529.IntJResDermatol20190232



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