A comparative study of efficacy and safety of platelet rich plasma versus fractional co2 laser in the treatment of post acne scars


  • Amita Murali Babu Department of Dermatology, A. J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka
  • Vinma H. Shetty Department of Dermatology, A. J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka
  • Saumya Goel Department of Dermatology, A. J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka
  • Hafsa Eram Department of Dermatology, A. J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka




Acne scars, PRP, Fractional CO2 laser


Background: Facial scars prompt restorative issues and have mental impacts, for example, humiliation, poor confidence, and social isolation. This study intends to assess efficacy and safety of platelet rich plasma (PRP) versus CO2 laser in post acne scar treatment.

Methods: It is an outpatient based comparative study.  All patients enlisted in this study were separated into two groups, ten in each treatment group. In group A, patients received PRP month to month for 3 sittings and followed up eight weeks after the third sitting. In group B, patients received fractional CO2 laser month to month for 3 sittings and followed up eight weeks after the third sitting. Improvement of acne scars was assessed utilizing digital photographs with identical camera settings and Goodman and Baron’s qualitative grading system at beginning, after each sitting and followed up eight weeks after the third sitting. Patients subjectively evaluated clinical improvement eight weeks after the last sitting. Software (SPSS, version 16.0 statistical packages) was used.

Results: Assessment using qualitative acne scars grading system prior to and after treatment as well as patient’s subjective assessment 2 months after the third treatment session showed significant improvement in both groups. The baseline scores before treatment for group A and B were similar (p=0.7678) and final scores of both treatment groups showed no significant difference (p=0.8011) after treatment.

Conclusions: This study shows that PRP as well as fractional CO2 laser result in significant clinical change in the quality of post acne scars.


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Author Biography

Amita Murali Babu, Department of Dermatology, A. J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka

Junior Resident,

Department of Dermatology,

A.J Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka 


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How to Cite

Murali Babu, A., Shetty, V. H., Goel, S., & Eram, H. (2019). A comparative study of efficacy and safety of platelet rich plasma versus fractional co2 laser in the treatment of post acne scars. International Journal of Research in Dermatology, 5(2), 254–258. https://doi.org/10.18203/issn.2455-4529.IntJResDermatol20191760



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