Clinico-epidemiological study of iatrogenic cutaneous manifestations in neonates in intensive care unit in a tertiary care hospital
Neonatal, Iatrogenic, NICUAbstract
Background: Neonatal dermatology, by definition, encompasses the spectrum of cutaneous disorders that arise during the first four weeks of life ranging from from physiological and transient to grossly pathological lesions in the skin of a neonate. The aim and objectives of the study were to determine the quantum of iatrogenic problems which can be minimized and prevented.
Methods: A total of 1000 neonates admitted in the tertiary care NICU of JJM Medical College were examined and spectrums of pathological cutaneous lesions noted.
Results: Among 1000 neonates examined, 101 had iatrogenic cutaneous conditions which were commonly seen in day one of life in 48 neonates and least in newborns between 15-21 days. Skin lesions were commonly seen in full term neonates (59), followed by preterm (39) and post term (3) neonates.Among the iatrogenic injuries needle prick injury (83), thermal burns (12) and bronze baby syndrome (11) were most commonly were noted in LBW and the normal for weight neonates. A variety of other conditions which could not be categorized into any of the above categories accounted for 5 cases. These included albinism, Waardenburg syndrome, TORCH complex and Down’s syndrome and Goltz syndrome.
Conclusions: Iatrogenic cutaneous abnormalities among neonates are under reported, with no detailed studies on these variants. Genetic, neonatal, maternal, social and geographic factors seen to influence the patterns of neonatal dermatoses. Hence, it is important for a dermatologist and paediatrician to have a thorough knowledge and to distinguish various iatrogenic manifestations and to minimize the outcomes during their stay in NICU.
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