Spectrum and pattern of pediatric dermatoses in under five population in a tertiary care centre
Pediatric, Dermatoses, Under five populationAbstract
Background: Pediatric dermatoses vary vastly from adult dermatoses in terms of clinical presentation, treatment and prognosis, thereby generating special interest in this field. The present study was carried to find out the spectrum, pattern and incidence of various skin disorders in infants and preschool children (upto 5 years), to correlate their prevalence with age, sex and rural/urban residential status.
Methods: 1000 children under five years age , were evaluated for the presence of skin disease to study the pattern and incidence of these disorders and establish their relationship with age, sex and residential status (rural/urban).Skin disorders were described in detail and classified into groups like bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral, eczematous, allergic, papulosquamous, pigmentary, miscellaneous.
Results: Maximum number of children belonged to age group of less than 1 year (31.6%). Male patients (56.6%) out-numbered female patients (43.4%). 56.8% children belonged to urban area while 43.2% children were from rural area. Maximum incidence was of infections (41.1%). Of these infections, bacterial infections (14.5%) were the predominant followed by parasitic infections (10.9%). Eczematous skin disorders were the next common entity after infections seen in 35.1 % children followed by that of allergic disorders seen in 5.9% children.
Conclusions: There is preponderance of infectious dermatoses among the under five population followed by eczematous and hypersensitivity disorders. The role of poverty, overcrowding, poor personal hygiene and low level of health education, undernutrition and consequent poor immunity are emphasized by these preventable diseases.
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