Establishing reliability of dermatologist trained and validated evaluators for assessments of dermatological parameters: a comprehensive overview of concepts and techniques
Reliability, Acne, Brittle nails, IGA, Validation, Glogau skin ageAbstract
Background: Multi-centered, multi-visit outpatient dermatology studies provide participant-friendly convenience, drawing diverse volunteers while avoiding extended facility stays. However, maintaining a consistent dermatologist for such studies poses challenges, possibly leading to incomplete clinical readings and delaying accurate data collection from predefined datasets.
Methods: Led by a Dermatologist, the training aimed to ensure harmony in assessments among trained evaluators when utilizing digital photos to analyze dermatological parameters. It aimed to establish accord between the Dermatologist and Trained Evaluators for inter- and intra-observer evaluations. The training encompassed multiple parameters, such as Draize Scale, Fitzpatrick Skin Type, Glogau Skin Age Classification, IGA (Acne), PGA with Griffith Scale, and PGA for brittle nail signs.
Results: The results of the statistical analysis for photographic evaluation inter-evaluator reliability were evaluated. Based on the data, a strong correlation was observed between the Dermatologist's dataset and the Trained Evaluator's dataset. The Pearson chi-square test yielded a p-value of <0.05, indicating significant correlation among the trained evaluators' data compared to the dermatologist's data. All evaluators met the 80% acceptance criteria outlined in the training plan. Both evaluators and dermatologists were deemed suitable for dermatological assessments and photographic evaluations in relevant studies.
Conclusions: Theoretical training enabled evaluators to comprehend various dermatological parameters, including Draize Scale, Fitzpatrick Skin Type, Glogau Skin Age Classification, PGA with Griffith Scale, IGA (Acne), and PGA for brittle nail signs. Trained evaluators are now qualified to independently serve as "Dermatologist Validated and Trained Evaluators" in future studies. This approach is applicable for multi-centered, multi-visit dermatological clinical studies.
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