Academia and industry collaboration in dermatology research


  • Srirupa Pal Head-Medical Services, Palsons Derma, Kolkata, West Bengal, India



Academia, Industry, Collaboration, Dermatology Research


The assessment of cause of illness and new innovations to treat the illness is exciting at all point of time.  Research is the key to any new innovations. The hindrance in development of new innovations can be multifaceted in terms of resources which may not only be limited to talent acquisition and financial resources.  Collaborations among different stake holders in research such as industry, government and academia are important and should be encouraged by government to promote research, development and innovation. Currently biomedical researchers in the United States and from the international community are focusing increasingly on relationships between industry and academia and their effects on the conduct and results of research studies. Formerly rigidly separated research efforts in academic and industry have become increasingly transparent to each other. This transparency between industry and academia has created opportunities for more rapid translation of basic discoveries to patient needs. Collaborations among industry and academia can hasten the development of new technologies to clinical practice leading to significant health advancements. Collaboration between industry and academia facilitates quality research projects with identified impact objectives within a shorter time span.


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How to Cite

Pal, S. (2015). Academia and industry collaboration in dermatology research. International Journal of Research in Dermatology, 1(1), 1–2.