Demographic profile of patients treated for melasma with glycolic acid and trichloroacetic acid: an institutional experience
Melasma, Demographical profile, MASI scoring, Glycolic acid and trichloroacetic acidAbstract
Background: Melasma is an acquired disorder of hyperpigmentation characterised by forehead, cheeks, around eyelids and chin mostly in the sun-exposed areas of the skin. The etiology for melasma is not clear, various factors like genetic or hormonal influences the cause. The aim was to understand the demographical distribution and epidemiological pattern of pigmentation in melasma patients.
Methods: A total of 50 patients were participated in the present study at department of dermatology of Mamata medical college and hospital, Khammam over a period of one year.
Results: The mean age of patients with melasma was 33.84±5.76 years, with the youngest and oldest being 20 and 40 years with female preponderance, with a male to female ratio of 1:9. The maximum number of patients educated up to middle school level (38%) followed by primary school. The maximum number of individuals participated in the present study were housewife’s and out of 50 individuals 92% patients in the present series were married whereas family history of melasma was noted only 16% of the melasma patients.
Conclusions: The present observations demonstrates that the melasma is a female predominant, affecting young adults, etiological observations like sunlight, married, pregnancy, indoor, family history followed by cosmetics plays an important role in the melasma.
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