Cutaneous manifestations in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis
Chronic kidney disease, Hemodialysis, Xerosis, Pruritus, Acquired perforating dermatosesAbstract
Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with several cutaneous manifestations as a result of CKD per se, underlying disease(s) leading to it or the treatment thereof. Cutaneous manifestations get altered following hemodialysis. We studied the prevalence of various dermatoses and the effect on pruritus in patients with CKD on hemodialysis.
Methods: Seventy-three patients with CKD having at least one cutaneous manifestation undergoing hemodialysis in Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pune were included.
Results: Sixty-four (87.67%) of the participants belonged to the age group of 40-69 years; 28 (38.35%), to the sixth decade. The male to female ratio was 1.8:1. Forty-eight patients (65.75%) suffered from diabetes mellitus, 37 of these also from hypertension. Xerosis (72.6%), pallor (65.8%) and pruritus (60.3%) were the common manifestations. The intensity of pruritus remained unchanged in 82% of those affected. Nail changes were seen in 47.9% cases (half-and-half nail, 19.2%; subungual hyperkeratosis, 11%; leukonychia, 6.8%; melanonychia, 6.8%; Beau’s lines, 4.1%). Infections were observed in 32.8% cases (superficial mycoses, 19.2%; bacterial, 6.8%; scabies, 4.1%; viral, 2.7%). Dyspigmentation was documented in 30.1% (hyperpigmentation, 21.92%; yellow tinge, 8.22%), hair changes in 23.3% (sparse scalp hair,16.4%; lusterless hair, 6.9%), acquired perforating dermatoses in 19.2%, and arteriovenous shunt dermatitis in 2.7% cases.
Conclusions: Xerosis was the commonest finding and pruritus, the commonest symptom; the intensity of the latter remained largely unaffected by hemodialysis. Half-and-half nail was the most common nail change and superficial mycoses, the most common infection.
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