Unani and modern aspects of psoriasis (Da’u-us-Sadaf) treatment: a review
Psoriasis, Da’u-us-Sadaf, Taqashur-e-Jild, Qashaf-e-JildAbstract
Psoriasis (Da’u-us-Sadaf) is a common, disfiguring, inflammatory, and chronic autoimmune skin disorder with a worldwide distribution, highest incidence is in Europeans, and the lowest in Asians from the East. The prevalence of psoriasis in adults varies from 0.44 to 2.8%, in India. The word psoriasis is derived from Greek word ‘psora’ meaning ‘itch’ ‘iasis’ meaning ‘action, condition’. Da’u-us-Sadaf is derived from Arabic words ‘daun’ means ‘disease’ and ‘Sadaf’ means ‘oyster shell’. Psoriasis or Da’u-us-Sadaf are not mentioned in any classic literature since ancient times. It was considered in the context of Taqashur-e-Jild and Qashaf-e-Jild by famous Unani physicians; Razi, Majoosi, Ahmad Bin Mohd Tabari, Ibn-e-Zohr, Akbar Arzani, Azam Khan, because of dryness of the skin and scale formation, which clinically resembles very much with psoriasis (Da’u-us-Sadaf). According to Ali Ibn-e-Abbas Al-Majoosi has described that Tabiyat expels the Khilt-e-Ghaleez from internal organs towards skin resulting in the dryness and itching of the skin, but in this condition skin is unable to remove Khilt-e-Ghaleez leading to accumulation of sauda in skin and produce Taqashur-e-Jild. Unani scholars has emphasized the Usool-e-Ilaj (principle of treatment) such as evacuations of black bile (Istifragh or Tanqiyahe Sauda), use of blood purifier (Tasfeeh-e-Dam), Munzijate Sauda (Melancholic concoctives), Mushilate Sauda (Melancholic purgatives), Tabreed Badan (genesis of ratoobat or fluids in the body), try to restore normal temperament (Tadeele Mizaj), topical application of jali (detergent), murakhi (emollient), murattib and mohallil (anti-inflammatory) advia. In this review we have tried to discuss about Unani and modern aspects of psoriasis (Da’u-us-Sadaf).
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