Studying the clinic mycological pattern of the dermatophytic infection attending OPD in tertiary care hospital in eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
Dermatophytosis, Superficial mycoses, Tinea, Trichophyton spp, Microsporum sppAbstract
Background: Superficial dermatophytic infection is infection of skin nail or hair with fungus. Nowadays, these fungal infection are at a rise and run a prolong course despite of treatment due to resistance to conventional antifungal agents. There is a felt need to conduct epidemiological study to know the change in the pattern and cause of widespread resistance. This study was aimed at identifying clinico-mycological pattern of dermatophytic infections in patients attending the dermatology outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital in eastern Uttar Pradesh and adjoining area.
Methods: Patients with suspected dermatophytoses attending the outpatient department were enrolled in the study. A detailed history, clinical examination and sample collection for mycological examinations was done.
Results: There were 500 patients recruited in the study, with a male: female ratio of 3:1. The most commonly affected age group was 20–30 years (35%). Tinea corporis et cruris was the most common type observed (31%). Potassium hydroxide positivity was seen in 390 samples (78%) and culture positivity was found in 350 samples (70%). The most common species identified was Trichophyton verrucosum (35.5%).
Conclusions: There is a rise in dermatophytic infection caused by zoophilic species like Trichophyton verrucousum.
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