Clinical profile, etiology and histopathology of patients with erythroderma in South India


  • Snigdha O. Department of Dermatology, Government Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala
  • Mamatha George Department of Dermatology, Government Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala
  • Binitha M. P. Department of Dermatology, Government Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala
  • Sunitha Balakrishnan Department of Dermatology, Government Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala



Erythema, Scaling, Inflammation, Skin biopsy


Background: Erythroderma is a generalised inflammatory disorder of skin manifesting with erythema and scaling affecting more than 90% of the skin surface. Several studies have highlighted the importance of biopsy in the diagnosis and management of erythroderma, while some others have found it to be of limited use.

Methods: Thirty-six patients with erythroderma were enrolled in the study and a detailed history, clinical examination and relevant investigations including skin biopsy was done to find out the etiology.

Results: Pre-existing dermatoses were the predominant cause (84%) contributed equally by psoriasis (42%) and eczemas (42%) and clinicopathologic correlation could be obtained in 30.55% of cases.

Conclusions: Our study showed that skin biopsy remains a valuable tool in the diagnosis of erythroderma.


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Author Biography

Mamatha George, Department of Dermatology, Government Medical College, Kozhikode, Kerala

Associate Professor of Dermatology


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How to Cite

O., S., George, M., M. P., B., & Balakrishnan, S. (2017). Clinical profile, etiology and histopathology of patients with erythroderma in South India. International Journal of Research in Dermatology, 3(3), 384–388.



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