Clinicomorphological patterns in an outbreak of paederus dermatitis in patients attending rural tertiary care hospital


  • Bandi Niharika Reddy Department of DVL, Viswabharathi Medical College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Duttala Indira Reddy Department of DVL, Viswabharathi Medical College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • B. Udaya Kumar Department of DVL, Viswabharathi Medical College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • N. Harish Kumar Reddy Department of DVL, Viswabharathi Medical College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India



PD, Rove beetles, Irritant contact dermatitis


Background: Paederus dermatitis (PD) is an acute irritant contact dermatitis caused by beetles belonging to the genus ‘Paederus’. The study aims to describe the clinical and morphological patterns and epidemiology of PD.

Methods: A descriptive study was done on 80 patients with PD attending DVL OPD in a tertiary care hospital for 6 months i.e.; from March to August 2023. A detailed clinical history was taken and local and systemic examinations were done.

Results: The mean age of the patients was 24.8 years. The percentage of females affected was 61.25% and males was 38.75%. Peak cases were noted during May (32.5%) followed by August (17.5%). Out of 80 patients, 61 had erythematous plaques (76.25%) along with other types of lesions (mixed lesions), 8 had post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (10%), 5 had bullae (6.25%), 6 had erosions alone (7.5%). Out of 61 patients with erythematous plaques, 16 had vesicles and 15 had pustules. Common sites involved were face and neck (42.5%), trunk (35%), and upper extremity (30%), 51.2% of patients were sleeping with windows open, 73.7 % of patients complained of itching, 80% of patients were residing in areas with nearby vegetations. 60% of the patients affected were students residing at college hostels in rural areas with surrounding vegetation.

Conclusions: PD can present in various forms and should be promptly differentiated from other conditions. Proper education of the general population and awareness about the paederus beetles should be given.


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How to Cite

Bandi Niharika Reddy, Reddy, D. I., Kumar, B. U., & Reddy, N. H. K. (2024). Clinicomorphological patterns in an outbreak of paederus dermatitis in patients attending rural tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Research in Dermatology, 10(2), 94–98.



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